Bulldog's Bookshelf
Pick one of the books below to read the review, which uses the patented, world-renowned, often-imitated-but-never-duplicated Canadian Bulldog Ratings System™:
The Best There Is, The Best There Was, The Best There Ever Will Be: Self-explanatory. This rating is reserved for my absolute favorites, ones that I could read through over and over again.
Oh Hell Yeah!: While not the top of the line, there's enough good stuff in here to make me want to recommend it.
Transitional Champion: Not an urgent read, by any means. If you're starting up a collection, or if you're a big fan on the subject matter, go for it.
Bowling-Shoe Ugly: More bad than good here. Hey, if you can pick it up for a few dollars at a used bookstore or borrow it off your friend, fine. But you've been warned.
You're FIRRRRRRRRRED!: Why on earth would any publisher approve this crap? What were they thinking? Only valuable if you're the type that likes reading complete and utter train-wrecks.
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