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Kane is one of those rare characters that has been around forever and yet rarely gets the props for what really is a major accomplishment.


Think about it: other than him, only Triple H, The Undertaker and Mark Henry have been wrestling longer in WWE. And that's just as the Kane character! If you count the other personae of Glen Jacobs (Dr. Isaac Yankem and Fake Diesel, anyone?), he literally showed up a month or two after The Game did in 1995.


So while The Twisted, Disturbed Life of Kane isn't the documentary people like me crave, it is a decent look at a character that has endured since 1997 and has had to adapt through some of the wackiest storylines known to professional wrestling.


The DVD collection is hosted by Kane himself, from what appears to a dank dungeon somewhere (maybe that's where we're to believe he lives?) and, to be honest, it's kind of hard to buy into the guy when he's talking about literally being a monster instead of merely playing one on TV.


The good news is that the matches are different enough to stand out on their own. In other words, it's not just 25 matches against The Undertaker. Sure, they're prominently displayed, but there's a lot else there, too.


For example, his match against Mankind at the Survivor Series in 1997 (yes, THAT Survivor Series) is pretty damn entertaining, as is the WrestleMania X-8 encounter with Kurt Angle (surprising, given the match was kind of thrown together at the last minute).


Other opponents read like a who's who of Attitude Era WWE: Chris Jericho, Triple H, Stone Cold Steve Austin, X-Pac and Matt Hardy are among his adversaries.


And of course, if you liked his work going against (and teaming with) Taker, there's plenty of that, too. In addition to the usual encounters between you've seen between them in the past, there's a triple-threat match featuring Kane and Taker vs. The Dudley Boyz vs. Edge and Christian: interesting that none of the three "brothers" tag teams are actually brothers!


Beyond the match selection, you have a handful of key clips, including his (hilarious) wedding to Lita, the storyline in which he turned heel and began setting everyone on fire, and a classic backstage promo with Kane, The Rock and Hulk Hogan.


Overall, is this a "must-see" collection? Ehhh... probably not. Personally, I waited three years after its release and only then because it was on sale for four bucks. But it's certainly not the worst thing out there, and if you're a Kane fan, you'll be happy.

the Twisted, Disturbed Life of Kane

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